Netscape Information


RSU Updates

The information pointed to by: IBM Personal System Products Software Updates ( does not appear to be entirely correct. I belive that the correct MIME type should be "application/rsu" rather than "www/unknown". Please configure netscape as follows from the "General Preferences..." option from the "Options" menu.

[Netscape Configutration Options]

FTP Errors

There appears to be some problems using netscape to browse the ftp directory using this link:

I am attempting to find the easiest solution for all currently.

If you are having problems, you have a number of options at your disposal:
1. Use the RSU method.
2. Use Web Explorer.
3. Use FTPPM or another real FTP program.
The details are as follows:

User Id:   Updates
Password:  Updates
Hopefully this problem will be solved quickly.