The Graham Utilities for OS/2 - Version 2


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SI - System Information


System Information displays technical information regarding your hardware and operating system.


Command Line Format

Usage: SI


SI displays some of the information which OS/2 maintains on your system. The items which it returns are:

Machine Type
This field reports on the type of the machine. If possible, it will list the class and type of the machine.
Operating System
This field reports on the Operating System version which is currently running.
OS/2 boots from
The drive on which OS/2 was installed and started from.
Country Code
This is the country code setting for the current session.
Country Code Page
This is the current country code page (or character set) setting for the current session.
Maximum sessions
The maximum number of sessions available, for both Presentation Manager and VIO or Full Screen sessions.
Maximum VIO sessions
The maximum number of VIO or Full Screen sessions.
Maximum PM sessions
The maximum number of Presentation Manager sessions.
Max Wait
This field specifies the maximum number of seconds which a process has before the OS/2 schedular devotes CPU time to another process. This parameter is configured in the CONFIG.SYS file.
This field specifies the Maximum and Minimum time slice of the system. The priority is also listed - it is either Absolute or Dynamic. The timeslice parameters dictate the length of time which the OS/2 schedular uses. If a thread uses up its entire timeslice, it must be pre-empted. The next timeslice for that thread is one tick longer, up to the specified maximum. If the priority is dynamic (the system default), the priority of threads can be adjusted by the system, to ensure that all processes receive some CPU. If the priority is absolute, thread priorities can not be adjusted, and the MaxWait parameter has no effect.
Timer Interval
This field details the system timer interval. It is specified in micro seconds (uSec).
Current Video Mode
This shows the details of the current video mode. It will return information in the form of: <Text/Graphics>, Columns x Rows Colour/Monochrome
This field reports on whether or not you have a maths co-processor installed. Remember that OS/2 2.x will emulate one if necessary. Therefore SI will report one even if you do not have one installed.
Parallel Ports
The number of parallel ports available to the system.
Serial Ports
The number of serial ports available to the system.
System up since
The last time that the system was booted. An example is:
Fri Jan 07 21:00:15 1994
Note : This time will wrap around after approximately 45 days.
Valid Drives
A list of the valid disk drives available to the system - both local and remote.
Current Adaptor
This field displays a comment on the current video display adaptor. The predefined values are:
Monochrome/printer adaptor
Colour graphics adaptor
Enhanced graphics adaptor
Video graphics array display adaptor
IBM Personal System/2 display adaptor 8514/A
Image Adaptor
XGA graphics adaptor
Super video graphics array display adaptor
Unknown display adaptor (unknown code)

The unknown code will be displayed as a number. This indicates that the value is one reserved for future adaptors.

Current Display
This field displays a comment on the current video display. The predefined values are:
Monochrome display
Colour display
Enhanced colour display
8503 monochrome display
8512 or 8513 colour display
8514 colour display
IBM plasma display
Monochrome 8507 or 8604
8515 display
9515 display
9517 display
9518 display
OEM display
Unknown display type (unknown code)

The unknown code will be displayed as a number. This indicates that the value is one reserved for future adaptors.

Display Adaptor Memory
The size of the video memory on the current display adaptor in bytes.
ANSI processing
This reports on whether ANSI escape sequence processing is on or off for the current session.


There are no switches or parameters for SI.